
Talent Development / Personnel Training Careers

SICODEX considers talent as the first resource, it persists the concept "Emergence of the company based on talent", it gathers and employs the elites of the Democratic Republic of Congo and China, in order to accelerate the construction of a team of high quality professional talents.

SICODEX is based on diligent people, it is planned to actively create the right atmosphere and platform of work with fairness, impartiality, practicability and business creation, to fully deploy enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of employees, to constantly improve the competence and quality of employees, to achieve the common development of individuals and society.

SICODEX implements the active, open and effective talent policy, it attaches importance to training, training and selecting talent at the front of the market and in difficult regions, it is envisaged to continuously improve the training of talents, Professional development and the incentive mechanism, in order to strive to form an excellent circumstance concerning everyone's desire for talent, the effort directed to everyone's talents, everyone becoming talents, everyone exhibiting genius.

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